If you’re looking for landscaping ideas for the front of your house, you’re in the right place!
These expertly designed front yard landscapes increase curb appeal and elevate home design for a lasting impression.
There are so many incredible landscape design ideas you can grab from these beautiful designs below.
You’ll find everything from ideas on edging, flower bed design, shrub and tree combinations, and more.
As always, if you’d like to learn more about a particular image you love, follow the in-text links directly below them.
Let’s get to it, landscape design awaits!
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#1) Gorgeous Perennial and Annual Front Yard Flower Bed Landscaping
Source: Garden Lighting
The front of this traditional style home comes to life when surrounded by bright beautiful flower beds.
A combination of both annual and perennial flowers fill every inch of available space.
Consider wild flowers for a more cost effective option with year round blooming.
#2) Exterior Lighting In Front Yard Landscaping
Source: Bloomy Heaven
This stunning modern front yard landscaping is simple and classy.
Curved beds with green boxwoods, shrubs and perennials line the walkways.
Notice how simple plantings come to life with exterior lighting placed within the edged beds, casting light upwards on the corners of the home and along the walk ways.
This adds incredible ambiance, and you can even find affordable solar and LED options here.
#3) Before & After Landscaping Ideas For The Front Of The House
This before and after front of the house landscaping idea comes from The Tarnished Jewel Blog.
The beautiful and well defined edging in square shapes helps accentuate the modern farmhouse style of her home!
It also really cleans up and defines the transitions for a neat and tidy contrast.
#4) Tall Grasses Front Yard Landscaping Idea
Source: Bloomy Heaven
Using tall perennial grasses offers incredible visual appeal, height, and privacy.
This mixed arrangement of carls fescue grass and small purple grass below is a beautiful color combination.
#5) Tiered Planting Ideas For Front Yard Landscaping
New Decoration Ideas channel on YouTube features this well designed front of the house landscape.
Notice the taller flowering shrubs placed towards the back of the flower bed, with smaller shrubs and grasses descending in height towards the front.
This is a foolproof design rule you can emulate to ensure all of your beautiful flowers and shrubs are easily visible and well anchored.
#6) Pretty Peony Bright Follower Landscaping Idea For The Front Of The House
Source: Sponge Hacks
This front yard landscaping idea is just gorgeous.
Picking your favorite colored flower (preferably a perennial) and go crazy with it.
The uniform color looks amazing next to simple shaped boxwood shrubs in the back.
#7) Perennial Edging Front Of The House Landscaping Idea
These beautiful (and low maintenance) perennials were found on Bob Vila’s article on gardening for beginners.
I love this landscape design idea that would work really well along the front of the house.
Lining a sidewalk or walkway with a flowering perennial really helps define the space and adds beautiful curb appeal.
#8) Sensational Succulent Landscaping Idea For The Front Of The House
Source: Sponge Hacks
Succulents are an awesome landscaping idea for arid or dessert climates.
If you want to plant something that doesn’t need a lot of water, or TLC consider a rock/succulent garden.
This landscaping idea looks incredible when planted in raised beds along the front of the house.
#9) Fixer Upper Landscape Design Ideas
Nest Of Posies serves up a great article featuring Fixer Upper landscape design ideas along the front of the house.
This simple yet gorgeous window box adds such a beautiful accent to the white brick wall.
It’s the perfect place to feature smaller succulent plants or flowers you can change out during the seasons.
#10) Curving The Corners Of Your Front Yard Flower Beds
Source: Forbes
When it comes to front yard flower bed design, take note of this attractive layout idea.
The landscape edging runs parallel to the house, but makes a large extended circular shape on the corner.
This is the perfect space to feature an ornamental tree or large flower bush.
#11) Beautiful Boxwoods Landscape Ideas For The Front Of The House
I found this gorgeous front yard landscape on Pinterest.
The low maintenance boxwood shrubs look beautiful and symmetrical when lining the walkway.
They also look adorable when nestled under smaller flowering or ornamental trees, as pictured!
#12) Pick The Perfect Bushes For Landscaping The Front Of Your House
Source: Mr. Planter
Picking shrubs to accent the front of your house is a necessary step in front yard landscape planning.
These hearty and beautiful blossomed dogwood bushes add so much depth to the design.
A medium size that thrives in full sun, be sure to consider what type of lighting these shrubs will grow in and pick an appropriate variety.
#13) Smart & Stylish Front Flower Bed Gutter Drainage Idea
Most homes have gutters and drains along the front of the house, and if we’re being honest, they are not very attractive.
This awesome and stylish idea to direct water away is featured on Two Twenty One.
The small pebbles are such a pretty contrast alongside the dark wood chips!
#14) Simple Flowering Spirea Bushes Along The Front Flower Bed
Source: Pinterest
If your front yard is small, and you are looking for a simple but beautiful design consider this landscaping option.
Pick a small to medium sized flowering shrub that can be planted to fill the front flower bed.
No fussy annuals here, just simple large blossoms from your favorite flower bush.
#15) Simple & Clean Curved Edging & Shrubs Landscape Design
This front yard makeover is featured by Heather Lanae on LTK.
The simple gradual curved block edging will help make mowing easier and provides a beautiful defined border.
Notice the taller boxwood shrubs towards the back, medium heigh flowering shrubs in the middle, and a low lying creeping juniper plant will grow and spread along the front.
#16) Adding An Arched Trellis Landscaping Idea For The Front Of The House
Source: Morflora
An arched trellis over a walkway is such a charming and welcoming landscaping idea for the front of the house.
It is the perfect place for climbing vines, and really accentuates smaller homes and narrow walkways.
#17) Stately Front Of The House Flower Bed Landscape Design
How stunning is this front of the house landscape design that is featured on Nikki’s Plate?
I want to feature this image particularly because of the gorgeous color combinations.
The moody dark purple hues and deep green foliage pick up the darker blue stone sidewalk and home features.
A good reminder to keep exterior home colors in mind when picking shrubs and plants!
#18) Consider A Cool Water Feature For The Front Of The House
Source: Morflora
Building your landscaping around a water feature is such a custom and creative look.
This tiered fountain adds style and ambiance, while allowing for planting room all around it.
#19) A Head Turning Landscaping Design Idea For The Front Of The House
This jaw dropping front yard landscaping is featured on BHG.
The shrub lined sidewalks is SO appealing and adds so much curb appeal to this beautiful home.
Anyone can plant grass along the sidewalk. But adding flower beds and planting shrubs that accentuate design lines creates a beautiful custom appeal!
#20) Natural Mixed Rock Flower Bed Landscaping Design
This Pinterest perfect front yard landscaping creates so much visual interest.
I love the combinations of two different types of rock/mulch, as well as the boulders and grass groupings as well.
This has such a beautiful flow and natural appeal.
#21) Tight & Tidy Front Of The House Flower Bed Design
This beautiful front porch flower bed is featured by Olander Garden Design Home.
It showcases an important design concept that works well for smaller compact flower beds.
Tightly clustering similar plants in unison creates a finished and full aesthetic.
These simple and snug boxwoods and hydrangeas could not be prettier!
#22) Simple & Symmetrical Landscaping Ideas For The Front Of The House
This beautiful and simple symmetry comes from Allisa Jacobs.
The tall coordinating front porch platers beautifully frame the front door.
Notice the shrub placement in the flower beds in front of the house offer a balanced look as well – stunning!
#23) Vibrant Flower Bed Design For Endless Curb Appeal
Here is another gorgeous front of house flower bed idea filled with low maintenance perennials.
This front flower bed from Trendey is featured in a low maintenance landscaping article.
I absolutely love the beautiful color combinations and rustic river rock edging.
#24) A Classic Landscaping Combination For The Front Of The House
Here is another image of a popular plant combination of hydrangeas, boxwoods and hosta plants from Blooming Backyard.
If you are looking to create a fresh farmhouse style in your front yard landscaping, you can’t go wrong with the combination of bright green and white.
I see this color and flower combination continually, and it always look amazing!
#25) Shrub Shaping Ideas For A Modern Front Of The House Landscape
In fact, here it is again featured on Maria Killam.
Notice how the square top boxwood shaping creates a modern feel to the same combination of plants and shrubs.
A gorgeous classic design to fit more of a modern farmhouse style!
Happy Front Of The House Landscaping!
I hope you found some landscaping ideas that will transform the front of your home.
You will be surprised at the way the creative curvatures, defined edges, and well placed plants will transform the front of your home.
If you’re looking for more home home/garden design inspo, check out these posts below!
- 15 Creative Garden Art & Decor Ideas
- 12 Gorgeous Flower Bed Ideas
- 15 Inspiring Flower Gardens You’ll Want To Try
Cheers! ~Ang
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